





My Wonderful After-School Plan

 We have a lot of free time at university. How do you spend that time? Doing club activities? Doing a part-time job? Or some of you don’t have enough free time because you are busy with homework. I would like to introduce my plan to spend time more happily after-school.
 First, if you are hungry, you should go to “SIDEWALK STAND.” This is the coffee shop that my old friend I met in London when I was in elementary school recommended to me. I also work in a café, so I am really strict regarding coffee, but this shop is amazing. The toasted sandwich with juicy ham paired with Americano coffee is a wonderful combination! Relaxing and reading books with coffee is one of the happiest times as well.
 Second, after your stomach is satisfied, let’s walk along the Meguro River, which is lined with beautiful cherry blossom trees. As you may know, there are a lot of fashionable shops in Naka-Meguro. I especially like “New Territory,” where you can buy vintage clothes and many kinds of antique goods. We can enjoy just looking at these one of a kind goods from all over the world. It makes me feel as if I were in a foreign country as well.
 Finally, let’s take a break in Meguro Park. The park is not near Naka-Meguro station, but I guess it is good exercise to go there. You can also enjoy the nature there, which can make your mind refreshed.
 These are great ways to spend time after school. The best thing about this “Wonderful After-school Plan” is enjoying your time with food, books, clothes, exercise, and nature. I believe you can enjoy this plan by yourself or with friends, and it will definitely make your time after school more meaningful!


 まず、中目黒にあるSIDEWALK STANDでお腹を満たしにいきます。こちらは、私が幼いときにイギリスに住んでいた頃の旧友から紹介されたコーヒーのお店です。私はカフェでアルバイトをしているのでコーヒーの味には厳しい方ですが、ここのコーヒーは格別に美味しいです。ジューシーなハムが挟まれたサンドイッチと一緒に飲むアメリカーノが最高の組み合わせです。また、コーヒーを飲みながらゆっくり読書をするのも至福のひとときです。次に、お腹を満たした後は桜を見ながら目黒川を下流に下っていきます。最新のファッションで溢れる中目黒ですが、人通りを外れたところに紳士なおじさまが経営するNew Territoryという古着兼雑貨屋があります。知る人ぞ知るこのお店は、スカーフやトレーナーなどの衣服から個性的な置物やジュエリーまで世界各国から集められた一点ものの品物がそろっており、まるで異国の地にいるかのようで見ているだけでも楽しめる空間です。最後に、目黒公園を散策します。中目黒駅から少し離れた場所にあるのでよい運動になり、緑に囲まれた空間はよいリフレッシュにもなります。