
My Dream Country
When I was a senior high school student during spring break, I went on a short-term language study abroad to London in the UK for a month. I had wanted to go there for a long time, but I had never travelled abroad, and I was worried about talking with native English speakers.
At the language school, a lot of people from different countries and diverse backgrounds gathered to take classes. My first day of class, all of my classmates actively took part in the class, and they used English to easily express their opinions. On the other hand, I could not speak English well and would just listen to them. When I was depressed that I could not talk with my classmates, a Taiwanese woman from the same class encouraged me. She said that everyone has the same aim to learn English and that it is important to communicate with people without fear. Even if I struggle to speak English fluently, I can stay motivated now. I listened to her advice, and afterwards I tried to communicate with my classmates by using body language and facial expressions in the class. Gradually, I came to get used to the class and I became more comfortable. Furthermore, the teacher praised my opinions, and I could feel my own growth.
On a holiday, I spoke only English with my friends, and I tried to convey my ideas in English without translation. I love English culture and English literature, so I was so excited just to walk the streets of London. This experience has helped me to move forward with my dream of working internationally in the future.
Now that I have entered Japan Women’s University, I will have an opportunity to use English more than before. I would like to use the knowledge and experiences I have gained from this short-term language study abroad experience to actively engage in class and extracurricular activities.