





Wonderful experiences while studying abroad at the University of Oregon

 I participated in the study abroad program at a partner university, the University of Oregon. Today, I will describe my life studying abroad there.
At the University of Oregon, I mainly studied sociolinguistics and learned the relationship between language and social background. I also got advice from my linguistics professor and gathered data for writing my graduation thesis. In addition, I encouraged myself to take a variety of classes, like city planning, business, and food culture, to encounter new values and acquire skills. At first, I had a hard time keeping up with the classes, but I visited the professor frequently, studied hard with my friends, and actively spoke up in the discussion classes. Therefore, I was able to be on the Dean’s List for two semesters in a row, which gave me a lot of confidence.
 In my extracurricular activities, I was instrumental in helping a Japanese class and volunteering. I supported the professor of the Japanese class and planned events to connect JWU students and UO students. Also, I belonged to a volunteer group. We discussed how to be a leader, and ran events like cleaning up garbage. I tried to think about the environment and lifestyle in Eugene, the city in Oregon where the university is located, and took the initiative to help improve the city.
 On my days off, I enjoyed sightseeing with my friends. Throughout the trip, I could experience a new world, cultures, and social issues, and these experiences actually made it refreshing to study.
 This experience was a valuable opportunity to challenge stereotypes and reconsider what I would like to be and pursue eventually. Taking advantage of this experience, I would like to work and make friends internationally in the future. Why don’t you challenge yourself to study abroad?


まず、授業は社会言語学を中心に履修し、言語と社会的背景の関係性について様々な視点から学修しました。現地の教授にアドバイスを頂き、卒業論文のためのデータ収集にも励みました。また、専攻にとらわれすぎず、都市開発やビジネス、食文化など幅広い分野の授業に挑戦しました。新たな価値観や気づきに出会い、社会へ出た後に活きるスキルを身に着けることが出来ました。留学当初は授業についていくのに苦労しましたが、課題をこなすだけではなく、教授の元を頻繁に訪れて事前にスライドをもらって予習し、ディスカッションでは積極的に発言したことで、2学期連続でDean’s Listに名前が載ることが出来ました。この賞を頂くことが出来た経験は、私にとって大きな自信となりました。