





Bird watchers and singing birds

I’m a fourth year undergraduate student. I’m majoring in ethology, and I have been researching bird songs since this spring. Bird songs are so profound and attractive even only to the extent I can observe. I was lucky to have been informed about a camp that was a social gathering of researchers or and students who are researching birds. It was held by an acquaintance of my supervisor, who specializes in bird songs, so I was also allowed to participate.

The venue was a campsite in a mountain, perfect for bird watching. So early in the morning, we went watching for wild birds. I didn't know much about wild birds, but I was surprised to see that one of the camp participants could identify the species of any birds that caught her eye. Fortunately, all participants had a chance to present their research, and so we were able to hear about everyone's research. There were 20 people and 20 different research interests. Some researchers were investigating molecules that affect the nervous system of birds, while others were investigating the grammar of bird songs. Even when researching the same thing, which is bird songs, what they wanted to elucidate depended on their own unique perspectives.

I will never forget how we all sat around a fire – researchers and students – and had conversations until late into the night. Some specialized in looking at brains through a microscope, while others loved watching wild birds through a telescope, but all of them were birdwatchers. We talked about birds for so a long time. Through this exchange, we were able to catch a glimpse of into each other's lives.

I learned one more important thing from this experience. Research begins with a hypothesis. Of course, that hypothesis is based on previous research, but just only that is not enough. Although this may sound very abstract, I feel that researchers have their own unique image of the principles of nature. This is something I’m convinced about: that their motivation for their research is to confirm whether their hypotheses are true. The direction of their prediction about birds and nature reflects each researcher's individual personality. I was surprised to find that individual personalities and the direction of researches were so closely related. How interesting!

Now, I have to use my research to try to confirm the world I'm imagining. With this in mind, I am currently working towards my graduation thesis.

