
My Life in Canada
Hello, I'm a 2nd grade student in Japan Women's University, and now I am studying English in Canada. Everything is new for me, and I want to tell you about my life in Canada. First, in Canada, everything is slow and calm, and everyone is kind-hearted. For example, the buses are often late. It’s normal. At first, I was annoyed, but I have found that no one is annoyed and rushed. I have thought time flows slowly here. In addition, when I am in trouble, everyone helps me with a smiling face. In my city Tokyo, Japan, everyone always rushes and does not make time to help one another. I was also like that, but here, everyone seems calm and believes it is important to help each other. Now I am used to living here and I like it. Second, the classes are small. We have strong relationships with the teachers, and they can take care of all students. They also evaluate me, so it’s easy to try something new and to ask them for help. This makes students join the class more actively and positively. Finally, I feel more comfortable here. Since I came here, I haven’t felt pressure. I mean no one puts any pressure on me. No one orders me to do something. I can feel free and comfortable, and I have become more confident in myself. These are just a part of my life in Canada, but I hope you enjoyed reading. Thank you for reading.