




猟僥何 哂猟僥親3定

Discovering the Heart of Japan Women¨s University:
My Journey as a JWU PR Ambassador

 I am a member of the JWU PR Ambassador, a student organization that promotes the appeal of Japan Women's University. Through activities such as creating a dedicated blog and managing social media accounts, I have found greater fulfillment in my student life while also discovering new aspects of the university's attractiveness.
 I decided to join the ambassador program to share the value of women's universities with a wider audience and to gain a deeper understanding of what makes Japan Women's University special. There was a moment when I was asked about the unique appeal of this university, and I realized I could only offer vague answers that could apply to any women's university. To address this challenge, I decided to join the ambassador team to delve deeper into the unique features and strengths of this university and to articulate them in my own words.
 As part of the ambassador program, I have conducted interviews with a variety of people. These experiences have provided me with valuable opportunities to understand the university's appeal from diverse perspectives, including academic and student life. For example, talking to students enrolled in courses I have yet to take has broadened my own knowledge. Conversations with alumnae thriving in their careers have allowed me to see how the qualities I admire about the university are applied in society, greatly expanding my outlook. Additionally, in the PR activities, my main tasks include writing interview articles and creating images for social media. These activities have allowed me to develop skills such as writing and design, as well as learning how to communicate information effectively and acquiring the ability to disseminate information. Moreover, conducting interviews requires the ability to listen attentively to the interviewee's stories, which has helped me improve my communication skills as an active listener.
 Since joining the JWU PR Ambassador team, I have had more opportunities to communicate with a variety of people. This, in turn, has prompted me to reflect on my own values and added vibrancy to my student life. By embracing diverse perspectives, my daily life has become more fulfilling, and my affection for the university continues to deepen.


 暴は、晩云溺徨寄僥の帆Δ魄k佚する僥伏Mである仝JWU PRアンバサダ`々に侭奉しています。喘ブログの恬撹やSNS\喘などの試咾鰺┐犬董僥伏伏試に厚なる割g湖を竃すとともに、云僥の帆Δ鯰造燭飽kすることもできました。
 JWU PRアンバサダ`に侭奉して參栖、謹くの圭とコミュニケ`ションを函るC氏がえました。それは揖rに、徭蛍徭附のビジョンやモQを岷すきっかけともなり、僥伏伏試に仟たな科りが伏まれました。謹な泣を函り秘れることで、晩?の伏試がより割gしたものとなり、云僥への柧鼎發気蕕防遒泙蠅弔弔△蠅泙后