
Time is Limited, but Opportunities are Unlimited
Hello, I am presently studying abroad at Niagara College in Canada. I am going back to Japan in a few days, so I would like to explain three valuable lessons which I have learned in this limited time.
First, having ambition is important. Teachers in this college have repeatedly said that it is not only necessary to be present but to participate in classes. This shows desire and motivation, so I have actively participated in all classes.
Second, we should never lose respect. I have been spending my time with a lovely host family. At first, I was very anxious because there are numerous cultural differences between Canada and Japan; however, what I kept in mind was respect for my family’s time and traditions. They spent every Sunday visiting their grandparents and I would go with them even though I didn’t know their grandparents well. Also, the time they had dinner was different from what I was used to; therefore, I had to change my eating habits.
Finally, we must live without forgetting to be thankful for friends and family. There are a lot of international students in Niagara College, and I could make many friends from around the world. During the mid-term break, I visited Montreal and Quebec with a Korean friend and had an unforgettable time. Likewise, I realized the value of my family in Japan after I came to Canada, and I want to thank them for encouraging me.
This report is a worthy opportunity to share my experience with everyone at JWU. It was not easy, but I could experience many other opportunities which I could not have if I had stayed living in Japan. Time is limited, but opportunities are unlimited.
こんにちは。私は今カナダのNiagara collegeに留学しています。あと数日で日本に帰国するため、有限の時間の中で学んだ大切にしなければならない三つのことお話しします。