




Finding Myself in Denmark

Have you ever heard of Folkeh?jskole? This is a type of non-profit Scandinavian school that admits students regardless of their age, gender or nationality. I was in the International People’s College (IPC) in Helsing?r, Denmark. There were about 100 students from 20 countries, with students living and studying together. I saw many things and met incredible people whom I learned from.
Studying with students from all over the world was a valuable experience. We shared our own cultures, experiences and values. Topics were rich, and we discussed—among other things—culture, race, gender, peace, and the environment. Discussing these topics in English was challenging but worth doing.
In addition, being able to look at Japan from an outside perspective was a treasured experience. Students from other countries asked me about Japan and my culture. Sometimes, I was asked a question about something that I didn’t know. For example: Why in Japan do we write using three different writing systems? What had happened in Fukushima? What do you think about the LGBTQ situation in Japan? Every time people asked me these kinds of questions, I learned something new.
In the end, amongst the beautiful Danish nature, I learned about myself. Before going to Denmark, I didn’t have enough time to think about what I wanted—or didn’t want—to do. However, in Denmark the days are not so long in winter and shops close earlier than they do in Japan. Therefore, I had time to relax and just focus on myself. I picked up new hobbies in Denmark, those being candle making, practicing yoga and playing the piano.
Through my experiences in Denmark, I realized how important it is to dive headfirst into a new environment. All my experiences and memories of being at IPC are still stored in my heart.


フォルケフォイスコーレという学校を聞いたことはありますか?北欧独自の教育機関であり、年齢や性別、国籍を問わない非営利団体が運営する学校です。私はデンマークのHelsing?という町にあるInternational people’s College にいました。そこには約20ヵ国から100人の生徒が集まり、生活や授業を共にします。そこで様々な出来事を経験し多くの人に出会いました。