




My Memorable Cultural Exchange

 At the end of the April, I participated in an international exchange party. I decided to do this because I wanted to do a new challenge after I had entered university. The party was like a round table discussion, and I was nervous because I didn’t know if I was doing the right things. But, it was an unnecessary worry. We talked about each other’s cultures and the end of the party seemed to come quickly. As we were departing, I exchanged my contact address with some of the other international students and, with help from my senior, offered going out to dinner sometime. They pleasantly accepted and recommended that we try a good hot pot restaurant that was popular in China.
 At a later date, we went to the restaurant. When we entered the restaurant, a foreign language came rushing into my ears from all directions. Naturally, it was the Chinese that was being spoken throughout the restaurant. I felt like I wandered into another world. Then I looked at the menu to order food, but I completely had no idea of the food that was listed: entrails, cow aorta, and pig liver. There were so many foods I had never seen or eaten. So, I left ordering food to the international students.
 My first time eating a hot pot with international students was so good that it tasted “like happiness”. For a while we enjoyed talking about China and our school days, and when talking calmed down, a man wearing a mask and a flamboyant costume suddenly appeared and music started playing. According to what I heard, it is Chinese traditional art that this restaurant regularly features. I looked at him, and he came closely to us. The distance between our faces was only about 30 cm. He hid his own face with his sleeve. At that moment, he changed his mask so fast. Thereafter, he repeatedly changed masks at an amazing speed. I could not see the changes at all – it was like I was looking at magic.
 That party was absolutely great and it left me with an impressive memory. I truly appreciate them for this encounter and valuable exchange between students, and giving me a wonderful experience that I'll never forget.


4 月下旬、学校主催の留学生交流会というものに参加した。大学に入学し、なにか新しいことに挑戦してみたいと思い参加を決めたものだ。それは座談会のような形式で上手く話せるか不安だったが、お互いの文化について話を進めていくうちにあっという間に終了時刻になってしまった。このまま終わってしまうのは何かもの寂しい。帰り際、同じ学科の先輩の力を借りて留学生数人と連絡先を交換し、ご飯に誘ってみた。彼女達は快諾してくれ、中国で人気の火鍋のお店があると勧めてくれた。
後日、留学生 2 人と先輩と共にそのお店へ向かった。都内にあるビルのエレベーターを上がりお店に入ると、四方八方から異国の言葉が聞こえてくる。当たり前のように中国語で会話がなされている。まるで異世界に迷い込んでしまったような感覚だった。さあ料理を注文しようと思いメニューを見ると、全く分からない。牛の血管、胃、豚の肝臓。見たことがない、食べたことがない食材が並んでいる。注文はお任せした。留学生と囲む、人生初めての火鍋は身に染み入るような美味しさで、幸せの味がした。中国のこと、学校のことなど色々な話題で盛り上がり話も一段落着いた頃、突然音楽と共に面を被り煌びやかな衣装を着た人が現れた。聞けばそれは中国の伝統芸能だそうで、このお店はそれが生で見れることを売りにしているそうだ。目を丸くさせて眺めていると、彼がこちらに向かってきた。顔と顔が 30cm もないような距離まで近づいてくる。彼が服の袖で自身の顔を隠す。瞬間彼が着けていたお面が違うものへと変わった。その後も彼は客席を周りながらクルクルとお面を変えていく。そのスピードは凄まじいもので、まるで魔法を見ているかのようだった。