



「ON-LINE JEIC 実用英語と海外テレワーク体験プログラム」で学んだ「英語で伝える力」の大切さ

Realizing the Importance of Presenting

 During this spring vacation, I participated in an English program, the “JEIC online telework program”. This program was divided into two parts: the JEIC English class, and the experience of the JTB telework. In the JEIC English class, I learned about English grammar, a lot of new vocabulary and made a presentation to improve my productive language skills. The program from Day 1 to 7 was English language learning, but from Day 8 to 10, it was telework focused on such tasks as sending e-mails or making a proposal for a trip.
 I am glad that I learned the importance of producing language from this program. For example, I had many opportunities to do group discussions, presentations, planning documents, and, of course essential everyday conversation. It was harder than I expected to express my opinions to others. However, at the same time the support of the native teacher was helpful and encouraging, and my classmates’ presentations were also useful and motivating, and I felt that I was able to grow as a person in a short period of time.
 Through this program, I could, of course, feel that I was improving my English presentation skills, but the course also inspired me in two other ways. One is that I decided to take the TOEIC test after I had this program because I wanted to improve my English even more. The other is that I am now interested in working abroad by receiving helpful support from JEIC. This program also made me realize that I can learn many things from studying English grammar for my future work. You’ll have a great experience and you can also improve your English presentation skills. So, if you are interested in this program, you should join it next year!

「ON-LINE JEIC 実用英語と海外テレワーク体験プログラム」で学んだ「英語で伝える力」の大切さ

 この春休みに、私は英語プログラム「JEICオンラインテレワークプログラム」に参加しました。このプログラムは、JEIC英語クラスとJTBテレワーク体験の2部に分かれていました。JEIC英語クラスでは、英文法、語彙といった学びのインプットを行い、アウトプットとしてプレゼンテーションを行いました。 Day8?10は、メールの送信や旅行の企画書などのテレワークに挑戦しました。また、英語のレッスンとテレワークを同時に体験できるいい機会だと思い参加しましたが、オンラインプログラムでありながら充実した内容の学習ができたと感じました。