




Let’s improve our own abilities!

The Bilingual Reports activity is important for me because it is an indispensable opportunity to improve my English abilities. I dream of getting a job that uses English so I had been thinking of studying abroad during my junior year at university. However, due to the spread of COVID-19, I could not go. Nevertheless, I am taking as many classes as possible that have native English-speaking professors, after asking myself, “Is there anything I can do to improve my English skills?” Of course, I do not think there is anything more effective than studying abroad where the surrounding environment is all in English. Actually, of the four traditional English skills, I was only able to improve reading because of the reading material needed for those classes but I was not able to improve the other skills of writing, listening and speaking because I did not have the chance to improve them in those classes. At that time, when I heard about the Bilingual Reports activity, I thought that I would have to try so I decided to participate. I was finally able to improve these three skills because my manuscript is corrected directly by a native-English speaker, and I can have a little conversation such as being asked about my college life. To be honest, I cannot always say what I want to in fluent English. However, this is why I feel a sense of achievement when a manuscript that I have written myself is posted on the Bilingual Reports website. Even though we cannot study abroad right now, we should not give up our dreams because of COVID-19 but instead we should find opportunities and try various things to improve our abilities.

