




Trying to become a confident performer

I joined a light music circle after entering university. I play the bass. During the six months I have been in the circle, I have been trying to figure out what it means to act confidently in the studio and in live music clubs.

Until I graduated from high school, I had no experience in club activities or lessons in which I had to perform something in front of others. I had never had an opportunity to develop confidence as the center of attention. I had always acted as a supporter of others.

Therefore, when I performed in front of people for the first time this year, I had no idea how I should look or act. My mind went blank and the phrases I had practiced were slipping out of my head.

When I finished my performance and exchanged a few words with a senior vocalist from the same band, I realized that my confidence was not the same as the quality of my performance.

Confidence makes a difference in the quality of the performance. The older vocalist acted like a king when he performed, singing as if he was proud that his band was the best of the day. I started thinking about how proud I should be of our band, and how proud we should be to perform. This was important. I could not say that I had achieved to become fully confident that day.

However, since that day, I have been thinking about what confidence is.

There was a concert in September. There, I met a senior who plays the guitar and also composes music. He played a few songs with me. After the concert we had a chat.

He said that he would never ever let go of his guitar under any circumstance. Even if he got drunk and left his wallet or bag behind, he said he would get into a cab with his guitar in his hand.

I realized that the love I had put into my instrument – the bass – would be returned to me in the form of confidence.

I will practice with respect and gratitude for my instrument, just as that older man did. Even when it hurts my fingers, I will continue until my efforts have been rewarded with confidence.


