




Competitive Karuta

 I started playing competitive karuta in high school and still play it even now. Competitive karuta is a Japanese game that uses a deck of karuta cards which contain poems from Hyakunin-Isshu, a classical anthology compiled in ancient Japan. The players of competitive karuta are ranked from A to E.
 I first read the poems in Hyakunin-Isshu when I was in the first grade of junior high school. I found joy of playing karuta at informal tournaments held at my school at the beginning of each year, and soon I memorized all the poems of Hyakunin-Isshu.
 After entering high school, I joined the karuta club. In my first year, I moved up to rank D by winning in the winter tournament. However, my club members and I became unable to practice enough because of the COVID-19 pandemic in the following year. After that, I left the club without winning in any tournaments.
 After entering university, I was the only member of the high school club who continued to play competitive karuta. I now practice playing karuta every week. During the summer vacation, I participated in a team tournament for university students at the Meiji Shrine. Unfortunately, we lost in the first round, but we promised that we would be stronger next year.
 My goal is to advance to rank A while in university. To achieve this goal, it is important to work hard and practice repeatedly. Although sometimes I don’t feel like practicing and just want to give up everything, I made up my mind to continue playing competitive karuta because I not only like it but also have a strong desire to win.

